
How to manage time during IPMAT exam?

To crack IPMAT, one must be able to manage time effectively to maximize accuracy and the number of questions attempted both at the same time.

This can be done through prior rough calculations of the maximum time one can spend on – a) Each Section and b) Each Question in the IPMAT exam. One must remember that our aim is not to solve all questions. Instead, we must be able to pick the easiest questions that we can solve within a minimum time and with maximum accuracy.

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IPMAT, IIM Rohtak is a paper of 480 Marks with a negative marking of -1 for each incorrect answer. As per past year cut-offs, getting a score of 270-280 is satisfactory. However, we must also take into account incorrect answers. Hence attempting around 100 questions out of 120 questions with 80 % accuracy or around 90 questions with 90 % accuracy would enable you to clear the cut-off mark in the IPMAT exam. Hence you must distribute these 90-100 questions within the 120 minutes that you have.

IPMAT, IIM Indore is of 400 Marks. Hence attempting 60 out of 100 questions with 80% accuracy would lead to a score of 180 which would be satisfactory.

In IPMAT, IIM Indore, it requires you to complete 40 MCQs of Quantitative Ability and Verbal Ability each within 40 minutes for each section. This leaves us with less than a minute to solve and mark our answer. Among these calculations, we must also not forget to leave time to review questions that we left earlier or lengthy calculations or revise our answers.

For example, if we take a maximum of 45 seconds for each question, we can easily manage to save 10 minutes for revision at the end of the section.  

Also, note that we must balance both accuracy and speed and one cannot be compromised for the other.

Besides planning for these, one must prepare to manage one correct answer within a minute in the IIM Indore IPMAT paper. One way to do this is by analysing mock IPMAT papers – that is in which section or which type of questions take more time than required. For example, it could be quantitative ability section or a specific topic like para jumbles. The next step would be to practise those types of questions to reduce the time it requires.

Similarly, an IIM Indore IPM aspirant must also be able to effectively select those tough questions in the IPMAT exam that must be left out. Since it is wise to solve 2 easy questions whose answers you are sure of in 2 minutes rather than thinking about 1 difficult question!

IPMAT paper is all about making the right decisions. You must master reading questions carefully as well as in minimum time to decide whether you will solve it or skip it. This right decision will help you quickly reach the right answer.

Another important aspect is to utilise those 10 revision minutes at the end of each section most effectively. Managing one more correct answer at that time or making corrections in a solution can prove to be very useful to you at that time.

To do this, firstly the mind has to be very calm. When one is relaxed, it is easier to make out errors or retry a difficult question. Secondly, One can mark or write down question numbers (while you were solving those the first time) that need review so that you know that these are the questions that you need to return to before revising anything else. Try to distribute and cover those questions first in those 10 minutes and then move forward to revising the whole section.

You can practise and manage this better by applying this in mocks of IPMAT IIM Indore and even enhance your speed.

Hence one must keep in mind :

  • Balance both speed and accuracy
  • Calculate the Maximum time that you will spend on each question in the IPMAT exam
  • Analyse questions that you take the maximum time to solve through mocks
  • Practice reading questions, deciding which questions must be certainly left out and analysing whether your decision was correct and if not, where the gap was.
  • Plan your revision time wisely